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Midnight Run in New York City

Diane Jannetti | Published on 1/16/2023
For the past several years, I have wanted to run this race – 4 miles in Central Park at the stroke of midnight, at the start of a new year.

This was the perfect year to do it since we didn’t know what we were in for and we would have an extra day to recover.

We drove down Saturday afternoon, picked up our bibs and shirts, wandered around the city, had a great dinner in Hell’s Kitchen, and eventually made our way to Central Park.

Once again NYRR did a spectacular job. There was tight security to get into Central Park.

The only people allowed in the park were enthusiastic volunteers, runners, and each runner could invite 1 friend, which resulted in a fun atmosphere! Everyone in the park was there for the race and the volunteers and spectators lined the entire 4 miles.

There was a 10 second countdown to midnight – and then fireworks! Fireworks for the first 15 minutes of the race! There was one water stop – with water and, not Gatorade, but sparkling apple cider! They offered the same at the finish, along with apples and pretzels.

The race was small enough (around 4000) that I was allowed to stand near the finish line and see John finish. And as we wandered away from the finish, there was another fireworks show! It was such a fun event!

After the race we hopped in the car and headed to Lowell. We arrived around 6 AM, grabbed breakfast from Starbucks, parked at the boathouse, and slept in the car for a few hours.

Then onto race #2, followed by the terrific bowling party.

If we do this race again, and lots of MVSers want to do it, it might be worthwhile to get a bus. That way we could hang out / nap before the race and sleep on the way home. Who’s in for 2024?


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